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RTL AdConnect is the global hub for leading premium media brands. With a strong presence across multiple European countries, allows advertisers to reach a diverse and extensive audience. They can offer access to millions of viewers and users through their various media properties.
A unique and simplified access to a global Total Video inventory
Partnering with the biggest media groups worldwide, with RTL you can reach around 161+ million potential consumers in Europe every day.
RTL AdConnect is about connections – connecting advertisers to new channels, markets, platforms, audiences. We support brands in their international growth through the advanced media solutions.
As the simplified and unified advertising connection point of RTL Group, RTL AdConnect helps brands to truly reach more.
Targeted Advertising
RTL Ad Connect can help advertisers target their campaigns to specific demographics and regions, ensuring that the message reaches the right audience for their products or services.
Cross-Media Advertising
RTL Ad Connect offers integrated advertising solutions across TV, digital, and radio platforms. This enables advertisers to create consistent and comprehensive cross-media campaigns that reinforce their brand message.
Brand Safety
Advertisers often seek brand-safe environments to ensure that their content does not appear in inappropriate or harmful contexts. RTL Ad Connect is likely to prioritize brand safety in its media placements.
Data and Insights
RTL Ad Connect can provide advertisers with data and insights into campaign performance, allowing for optimization and better understanding of the impact of their advertising efforts.
Creative Opportunities
Advertisers can leverage the creativity and production capabilities of RTL Group to develop engaging and high-quality advertising content that resonates with their target audience.
International Expertise
For brands looking to expand their reach or enter new international markets, RTL Ad Connect’s expertise in various European countries can be invaluable.